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Catholic Cursillo

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Transposing with the Figure of Jesus? (Before We Pat Ourselves on the Back)

July 29, 2019 1:47 PM | Anonymous

I had the honor and privilege of serving with and witnessing the faith of all the men (and woman – liaisons) on weekend #373; candidates, and rollo – kitchen – palanca – liaison teams. I have no doubt the depth of faith was equally profound on weekend #374.

One piece of scripture used during the weekend was the transfiguration of Jesus (Mt 17:1-8, Mk 9:2-8, or Lk 9:28-36). I wish to focus on four points within the event portrayed by the synoptic gospel writers:

Mountain top experiences (like Cursillo generally or a weekend specifically, are important); echoing Peter, “Lord it is good that we are here.”

Jesus outshined, was of most importance, compared to the law and prophets as symbolized by Moses and Elijah.

Our human nature is that we wish to stay in that moment, that event of Actual Grace; echoing Peter again, “let us build three shelters…”

When the cloud came and the voice (God) spoke, it is Jesus that is chosen or within whom pleasure is seen.

Now four questions and/or points of reflection

Jesus proclaimed that all people are worthy of speaking to, engaging with, ministering to, especially those on the periphery of cultural and religious acceptance. Is this perhaps part of what Eduardo Bonnin had in mind with his strong focus on “the far away?” How do we minister to them when so relatively few experience the mountain top (a Cursillo weekend or grouping)?

Does Jesus shine the most on the weekend? Or, have we perhaps trapped ourselves into thinking the “Law and the Prophets” of Cursillo are the shining points: rollo talks, the food, the “surprises”, etc?

Have we “sheltered” Cursillo from the new Cursillistas or the far away? With fewer candidates annually than 20-30 years ago, it is even more vital that the far away and new Cursillistas be engaged if Cursillo is to remain healthy as an important method by which people can deepen their relationship with Jesus.

The chosen, pleasure, focus of Cursillo is Jesus, not in making better Catholics (good if it does). Nor is it the primary focus of Cursillo to get new members/keep the movement alive (great if it does), or to put on weekends because team members are spiritually nourished as well. THE focus of Cursillo is that individuals come closer in their relationship with Jesus, and they be introduced to a method that can assist them on their faith journey. Has the focus become blurred?

My sisters and brothers in Christ, in the transfiguration story, while mountain top experiences are important, we as disciples are called to, and destined for, valley duty. To paraphrase the Salt and Light imagery, while “a city set on a hill (weekend) cannot be hidden”, the light is “put on a stand for ALL to see.”

Dn Mick Humbert 

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